For Individuals For Professionals
Identify the therapy module applicable using any of these features

  1. Learn more
  2. Search by problem
  3. Search by keyword
Register as an individual by providing your basic details
Buy the therapy module(s) online for a specified number of sessions (as per your choice)
The purchased modules are available for download and usage. Download the modules
Install and use the module for the specified number of sessions. You can undergo therapy anytime anywhere!
You register with Vagmi Online as a professional
Choose from our convenient packages (50, 100 or 150 bulk sessions)
Buy the package online
Download and Install the Vagmi full version on relevant therapy systems at your clinic
Administer therapy until the number of sessions/validity is exhausted. Renew easily on Vagmi Online.
Key Advantages:
  • No need to purchase the entire software with life-time license. You save money!
  • Flexibility to choose different packages depending on your load